A flexible space that expands along the major axis of its containing stack layout, or on both axes if not contained in a stack. struct ChecklistRow: View { let name: String var body: some View { HStack { Image(systemName: "checkmark") Text(name) } .border(Color.blue) } }
A description of a row or a column in a lazy grid. struct GridItemDemo: View { let rows = [ GridItem(.fixed(30), spacing: 1), GridItem(.fixed(60), spacing: 10), GridItem(.fixed(90), spacing: 20), GridItem(.fixed(10), spacing: 50) ] var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHGrid(rows: rows, spacing: 5) { ForEach(0...300, id: \.self) { _ in Color.red.frame(width: 30) Color.green.frame(w..
A container view that arranges its child views in a grid that grows vertically, creating items only as needed. struct VerticalSmileys: View { let columns = [GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible())] var body: some View { ScrollView { LazyVGrid(columns: columns) { ForEach(0x1f600...0x1f679, id: \.self) { value in Text(String(format: "%x", value)) Text(emoji(value)) .font(.largeTitle) } } } } ..
A container view that arranges its child views in a grid that grows horizontally, creating items only as needed. struct HorizontalSmileys: View { let rows = [GridItem(.fixed(30)), GridItem(.fixed(30))] var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHGrid(rows: rows) { ForEach(0x1f600...0x1f679, id: \.self) { value in Text(String(format: "%x", value)) Text(emoji(value)) .font(.largeTitle) } ..
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- error-java
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- System.Diagnostics
- 스프링 프레임워크(spring framework)
- .submit()
- 인텔리제이(intellij)
- MainActor
- jstl(java standard tag library)-core
- 람다식(lambda expression)
- java web-mvc
- 스프링 프레임워크(spring framewordk)
- In App Purchase
- 제품 등록
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- 스프링 시큐리티(spring security)-http basic 인증
- java 키워드 정리
- 상품 등록
- 특정 문자를 기준으로 자르기
- java.sql
- React
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